Associate Professor
Information and Computer Science
Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute
Cornell Tech
2 West Loop Road
New York, NY
nixdell (at)
Alaa Daffalla, Arkaprabha Bhattacharya, Jacob Wilder, Rahul Chatterjee, Nicola Dell, Rosanna Bellini, Thomas Ristenpart.
A Framework for Abusability Analysis: The Case of Passkeys in Interpersonal Threat Models.
USENIX Security Symposium.
Ian René Solano-Kamaiko, Melissa Tan, Irene Yang, Kexin Cheng, Ronica Peramsetty, Michelle Shum, Yanira Escamilla, Ariel C. Avgar, Madeline Sterling, Aditya Vashistha, and Nicola Dell.
"This is eye opening:" Raising Awareness of Home Care Workers' Health and Wellbeing via Activity Tracking.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW).
Sophie Stephenson, Lana Ramjit, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
Digital Technologies and Human Trafficking: Combating Coercive Control and Navigating Digital Autonomy.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Joy Ming, Hawi H. Tolera, Jiamin Tu, Ella Yitzhaki, Chit Sum Eunice Ngai, Madeline Sterling, Ariel C. Avgar, Aditya Vashistha, and Nicola Dell.
Exploring Data-Driven Advocacy in Home Health Care Work.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Ian René Solano-Kamaiko, Melissa Tan, Joy Ming, Ariel C. Avgar, Aditya Vashistha, Madeline Sterling, and Nicola Dell.
"Who is running it?" Towards Equitable AI Deployment in Home Care Work.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Emily Tseng, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
Mitigating Trauma in Qualitative Research Infrastructure: Roles for Machine Assistance and Trauma-Informed Design.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 9, Issue CSCW2, Article No. 137. pdf.
Vince Bartle, Ashley Shearer, Alexandra Wroe, Nicola Dell, and Nikhil Garg.
Faster Information for Effective Long-Term Discharge: A Field Study in Adult Foster Care.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 9, Issue CSCW2, Article No. 85. pdf.
Melissa Yanez Hernandez, Elizabeth Kuo, Yefrenia Taveras, Ann Lee, Aida Ramos, Joanna Ringel, Susan Andreae, Emma Tsui, Monika M. Safford, Ariel C. Avgar, Megan J. Shen, Nicola Dell, Daniel Shalev, Catherine Riffin, Faith Wiggins, Elissa Kozlov, Nathalie Moise, Madeline R. Sterling.
Mental Health and Well-Being Among Home Health Aides.
JAMA Network Open. online.
Liam Albright, Woojin Ko, Meyhaa Buvanesh, Harald Haraldsson, Fernanda Polubriaginof, Gilad J. Kuperman, Michelle Levy, Madeline R. Sterling, Nicola Dell, and Deborah Estrin.
Opportunities and Challenges for Augmented Reality in Family Caregiving: Qualitative Video Elicitation Study.
JMIR Formative Research. online.
Cisco G. Espinosa, Sasha Vergez, Margaret V. McDonald, Monika Safford, Jacklyn Cho, Jonathan N. Tobin, Omar Mourad, Rosa Marcus, Joanna Bryan, Samprit Banerjee, Nicola Dell, Penny Feldman, and Madeline R. Sterling.
Leveraging home health aides to improve outcomes in heart failure: A pilot study protocol.
Contemporary Clinical Trials. online.
Ian René Solano-Kamaiko, Dibyendu Mishra, Nicola Dell, and Aditya Vashistha.
Explorable Explainable AI: Improving AI Understanding for Community Health Workers in India.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Andrea Cuadra, Maria Wang, Lynn Andrea Stein, Malte F Jung, Nicola Dell, Deborah Estrin, and James A. Landay.
The Illusion of Empathy? Notes on Displays of Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Honorable Mention Award
Rama Adithya Varanasi, Nicola Dell, and Aditya Vashistha.
Saharaline: A Collective Social Support Intervention for Teachers in Low-Income Indian Schools.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Emily Tseng, Rosanna Bellini, Yeuk Yu Lee, Alana Ramjit, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
Data Stewardship in Clinical Computer Security: Balancing Benefit and Burden in Participatory Systems.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 8, Issue CSCW1, Article No. 39. pdf.
Chinasa T. Okolo, Dhruv Agarwal, Nicola Dell, and Aditya Vashistha.
"If it is easy to understand then it will have value": Examining Perceptions of Explainable AI with Community Health Workers in Rural India.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 8, Issue CSCW1, Article No. 71. pdf.
Joy Ming, Dana Gong, Chit Sum Eunice Ngai, Madeline Sterling, Aditya Vashistha, and Nicola Dell.
Wage Theft and Technology in the Home Care Context.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 8, Issue CSCW1, Article No. 151. pdf.
Rosanna Bellini, Emily Tseng, Noel Warford, Alaa Daffalla, Tara Matthews, Sunny Consolvo, Jill Woelfer, Patrick Gage Kelley, Michelle Mazurek, Dana Cuomo, Nicola Dell, and Thomas Ristenpart.
SoK: Safer Digital-Safety Research Involving At-Risk Users.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland). pdf.
Bensson-Ravunniarath M, Bryan Ringel J, Avgar A, Wiggins F, Lee A, McDonald MV, Guerrero LR, Kallas J, Gusoff G, Shen M, Tseng E, Dell N, Czaja S, Lindquist LA, Sterling MR.
Having a Say Matters: The Association Between Home Health Aides’ Voice and Job Satisfaction.
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. 2023;16:1791-1800. pdf.
Alaa Daffalla, Marina Sanusi Bohuk, Nicola Dell, Rosanna Bellini, and Thomas Ristenpart.
Account Security Interfaces: Important, Unintuitive, and Untrustworthy.
USENIX Security Symposium. pdf.
Distinguished Paper Award
Andrea Cuadra, Jessica Bethune, Rony Krell, Alexa Lempel, Katrin Hänsel, Armin Shahrokni, Deborah Estrin,
and Nicola Dell.
Designing Voice-First Ambient Interfaces to Support Aging in Place.
ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS). pdf.
Vince Bartle, Liam Albright, and Nicola Dell.
"This machine is for the aides": Tailoring Voice Assistant Design to Home Health Care Work.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Article No.: 227, pp 1–19. pdf.
Anthony Poon, Lourdes Guerrero, Julia Loughman, Matthew Luebke, Ann Lee, Madeline Sterling, and Nicola Dell.
Designing for Peer-Led Critical Pedagogies in Computer-Mediated Support Groups for Home Care Workers.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Article No.: 414, pp 1–18. pdf.
Jacklyn Cho, Brittany Toffey, Ariel F. Silva, Ariel Shalev, Monika M. Safford, Erica Phillips, Ann Lee, Faith Wiggins, Elissa Kozlov, Emma K. Tsui, Nicola Dell, Ariel C. Avgar, Susan J. Andreae, and Madeline R. Sterling.
To care for them, we need to take care of ourselves: A qualitative study on the health of home health aides.
Health Services Research Journal. online.
Joy Ming, Elizabeth F Kuo, Katie Go, Emily Tseng, John Kallas, Aditya Vashistha, Madeline Sterling, and Nicola Dell.
"I Go Beyond and Beyond": Examining the Invisible Work of Home Health Aides.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 7, Issue CSCW1, Article No. 59. pdf.
Anthony Poon, Matthew Luebke, Julia Loughman, Ann Lee, Lourdes Guerrero, Madeline Sterling, and Nicola Dell.
Computer-Mediated Sharing Circles for Intersectional Peer Support with Home Care Workers.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 7, Issue CSCW1, Article No. 39. pdf.
Diversity and Inclusion Award
Kallas, J., Sterling, M. R., Ajayi, O., Mulroy, E., Kuo, E., Ming, J., Dell, N., & Avgar, A. C.
Making a bad situation worse: Examining the challenges facing rural home care workers.
Journal of Applied Gerontology. online.
Elizabeth Kuo, Jacklyn Cho, Iredia Olaye, Diana Delgado, Nicola Dell, and Madeline R Sterling.
Understanding the technological landscape of home health aides: a scoping literature review and a landscape analysis of existing mHealth Apps.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). online.
Chinasa T. Okolo, Nicola Dell, Aditya Vashistha.
Making AI Explainable in the Global South: A Systematic Review.
ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS). pdf.
Joy Ming, Srujana Kamath, Elizabeth Kuo, Madeline Sterling, Nicola Dell, Aditya Vashistha.
Invisible Work in Two Frontline Health Contexts.
ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS). pdf.
Andrea Cuadra, Hyein Baek, Deborah Estrin, Malte F Jung, and Nicola Dell.
On Inclusion: Video Analysis of Older Adult Interactions with a Multi-Modal Voice Assistant in a Public Setting.
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD). pdf.
Emily Tseng, Mehrnaz Sabet, Rosanna Bellini, Harkiran Kaur Sodhi, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
Care Infrastructures for Digital Security in Intimate Partner Violence.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Best Paper Award
Janet X. Chen, Allison McDonald, Yixin Zou, Emily Tseng, Kevin A Roundy, Acar Tamersoy, Florian Schaub, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
Trauma-Informed Computing: Towards Safer Technology Experiences for All.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Vince Bartle, Janice Lyu, Freesoul El Shabazz-Thompson, Yunmin Oh, Angela Chen, Yu-Jan Chang, Kenneth Holstein, and Nicola Dell.
“A Second Voice”: Investigating Opportunities & Challenges for Voice Assistants to Support Home Health Aides.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Anthony Poon, Vaidehi Hussain, Julia Loughman, Ariel C. Avgar, Madeline Sterling, and Nicola Dell.
Computer-Mediated Peer Support Needs of Home Care Workers: Emotional Labor & the Politics of Professionalism.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW Vol. 5, Issue 2, Article 336. pdf.
Diversity and Inclusion Award
Rama Adithya Varanasi, Aditya Vashistha, Rene F. Kizilcec, and Nicola Dell.
Investigating Technostress Among Teachers in Low-Income Indian Schools.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW Vol. 5, Issue 2, Article 340. pdf.
Yixin Zou, Allison McDonald, Julia Narakornpichit, Nicola Dell, Thomas Ristenpart, Kevin Roundy, Florian Schaub, and Acar Tamersoy.
The Role of Computer Security Customer Support in Helping Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.
USENIX Security Symposium. pdf.
Pranjal Jain, Rama Adithya Varanasi, and Nicola Dell.
“Who is protecting us? No one!” Vulnerabilities Experienced by Low-Income Indian Merchants Using Digital Payments.
ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS). pdf.
Margaret C. Jack, Sopheak Chann, Steven Jackson, and Nicola Dell.
Networked Authoritarianism at the Edge: The Digital and Political Transitions of Cambodian Village Officials.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW Vol. 5, Issue 1, Article 50. pdf.
Emily Tseng, Diana Freed, Kristen Engel, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
A Digital Safety Dilemma: Analysis of Remote Computer-Mediated Computer Security Interventions During COVID-19.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Chinasa Okolo, Srujana Kamath, Nicola Dell, and Aditya Vashistha.
"It cannot do all of my work": Community Health Worker Perceptions of AI-Enabled Mobile Health Apps in Rural India.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Rama Adithya Varanasi, Aditya Vashistha, and Nicola Dell.
Tag a Teacher: A Qualitative Analysis of WhatsApp-Based Teacher Networks in Low-Income Indian Schools.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). pdf.
Kurt Thomas, Devdatta Akhawe, Michael Bailey, Dan Boneh, Elie Bursztein, Sunny Consolvo, Nicola Dell, Zakir Durumeric, Patrick Kelley, Deepak Kumar, Damon McCoy, Sarah Meiklejohn, Tom Ristenpart, Gianluca Stringhini.
SoK: Hate, Harassment, and the Changing Landscape of Online Abuse.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland). pdf.
Rosanna Bellini, Emily Tseng, Nora McDonald, Rachel Greenstadt, Damon McCoy, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
"So-called privacy breeds evil": Narrative Justifications for Intimate Partner Surveillance in Online Forums.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Issue CSCW. pdf.
Best Paper Award
Emily Tseng, Rosanna Bellini, Nora McDonald, Matan Danos, Rachel Greenstadt, Damon McCoy, Nicola Dell, and Thomas Ristenpart.
The Tools and Tactics Used in Intimate Partner Surveillance: An Analysis of Online Infidelity Forums.
29th USENIX Security Symposium. pdf.
Distinguished Paper Award
Internet Defense Prize (third place)
Sterling, MR, Tseng, E, Poon, A, Cho, J, Avgar, AC, Kern, LM, Ankuda, CK, Dell, N.
Experiences of Home Health Care Workers in New York City During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis.
JAMA Internal Medicine. online.
Sterling, MR, Dell, N, Tseng, E, Okeke, F, Cho, J, Piantella, B, Tobin, JN.
Home Care Workers Caring for Adults with Heart Failure Need Better Access to Training and Technology: A Role for Implementation Science.
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. online.
Emrys Schoemaker, Dina Baslan, Paul Currion, Bryan Pon, and Nicola Dell.
Identity at the Margins: Data Justice & Refugee Experiences with Digital Identity Systems in Lebanon, Jordan, & Uganda.
Information Technology for Development. online.
Rama Adithya Varanasi, Aditya Vashistha, Tapan Parikh, and Nicola Dell.
Challenges and issues integrating smartphones into teacher support programs in India.
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2020). pdf.
Anthony Poon, Sarah Giroux, Parfait Eloundou-Enyegue, Francois Guimbretiere, and Nicola Dell.
Baccalauréat Practice Tests in Cameroon: The Impact of SMS-Based Exam Preparation.
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2020). pdf.
Madeline R. Sterling, Nicola Dell, Benedetta Piantella, Jacklyn Cho, Harveen Kaur, Emily Tseng, Fabian Okeke, Mikaela Brown, Peggy B. K. Leung, Ariel F. Silva, Amy L. Shaw, Lisa M. Kern.
Understanding the Workflow of Home Healthcare for Patients with Heart Failure: Challenges and Opportunities.
Journal of General Internal Medicine. online.
Emily Tseng, Fabian Okeke, Madeline Sterling, and Nicola Dell.
"We can learn. Why not?": Challenges and Opportunities in Designing for Equity for Home Health Aides.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020). (Acceptance rate 24.3%). pdf.
Kevin Roundy, Paula Barmaimon, Nicola Dell, Damon McCoy, Daniel Nissani, Thomas Ristenpart, and Acar Tamersoy.
The Many Kinds of Creepware Used for Interpersonal Attacks.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland 2020). pdf.
Fabian Okeke, Beatrice Wasunna, Mercy Amulele, Isaac Holeman, and Nicola Dell.
Including the Voice of Care Recipients in Community Health Feedback Loops in Rural Kenya.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: Vol. 3, Issue CSCW, Article 71. 2019. pdf.
Margaret C Jack, Pang Sovannaroth, and Nicola Dell.
"Privacy is not a concept, but a way of dealing with life:" Localization of Transnational Technology Platforms and Liminal Privacy Practices in Cambodia.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: Vol. 3, Issue CSCW, Article 128. 2019. pdf.
Diversity and Inclusion Award
Diana Freed, Sam Havron, Emily Tseng, Andrea Gallardo, Rahul Chatterjee, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
"Is my phone hacked?" Analyzing Clinical Computer Security Interventions with Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: Vol. 3, Issue CSCW, Article 202. 2019. pdf.
Honorable Mention Award
Rama Adithya Varanasi, René F. Kizilcec, and Nicola Dell.
How Teachers in India Reconfigure their Work Practices around a Teacher-Oriented Technology Intervention.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: Vol. 3, Issue CSCW, Article 220. 2019. pdf.
Sam Havron, Diana Freed, Rahul Chatterjee, Damon McCoy, Nicola Dell, and Thomas Ristenpart.
Clinical Computer Security for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence.
28th USENIX Security Symposium. pdf.
Christine Chen, Nicola Dell, and Franziska Roesner.
Computer Security and Privacy in the Interactions Between Victim Service Providers and Human Trafficking Survivors.
28th USENIX Security Symposium. pdf.
Distinguished Paper Award
Fabian Okeke, Emily Tseng, Benedetta Piantella, Mikaela Brown, Harveen Kaur, Madeline R. Sterling, and Nicola Dell.
Technology, Home Health Care, and Heart Failure: A Qualitative Analysis with Multiple Stakeholders.
ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS '19). pdf.
Emrys Schoemaker, Gudrun Svava Kristinsdottir, Tanuj Ahuja, Dina Baslan, Bryan Pon, Paul Currion, Pius Gumisizira, and Nicola Dell.
Identity at the Margins: Examining Refugee Experiences with Digital Identity Systems in Lebanon, Jordan, and Uganda.
ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS '19). pdf.
Honorable Mention Award (top 3 submissions)
Longqi Yang, Michael Sobolev, Yu Wang, Jenny Chen, Drew Dunne, Christina Tsangouri, Nicola Dell, Mor Naaman and Deborah Estrin.
How Intention Informed Recommendations Modulate Choices: A Field Study of Spoken Word Content.
The Web Conference (WWW '19). (Acceptance rate 18%). pdf.
Anthony Poon, Sarah Giroux, Parfait Eloundou-Enyegue, Francois Guimbretiere, and Nicola Dell.
Engaging High School Students in Cameroon with Exam Practice Quizzes via SMS and WhatsApp
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19). (Acceptance rate 23.8%). pdf.
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Md. Romael Haque, Irtaza Haider, Jay Chen, and Nicola Dell.
"Everyone Has Some Personal Stuff": Designing to Support Digital Privacy with Shared Mobile Phone Use in Bangladesh.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19). (Acceptance rate 23.8%). pdf.
Fabian Okeke, Lucas Nene, Anne Muthee, Stephen Odindo, Dianna Kane, Isaac Holeman, and Nicola Dell.
Challenges and Opportunities in Connecting Care Recipients to the Community Health Feedback Loop.
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2019).
(Acceptance Rate: 28%). pdf.
Neha Kumar and Nicola Dell.
Towards Informed Practice in HCI for Development.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: Vol. 2, Issue CSCW. 2018. (Acceptance Rate: 25.6%).pdf.
Fabian Okeke, Michael Sobolev, Nicola Dell, and Deborah Estrin.
Good Vibrations: Can a Digital Nudge Reduce Digital Overload?
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2018). (Acceptance Rate: 24.5%). pdf.
Matthew V. Law, Mor Naaman, and Nicola Dell.
ShareBox: Designing A Physical System to Support Resource Exchange in Local Communities.
Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2018). (Acceptance Rate: 23%). pdf.
Rahul Chatterjee, Periwinkle Doerfler, Hadas Orgad, Sam Havron, Jackeline Palmer, Diana Freed, Karen Levy, Nicola Dell, Damon McCoy, and Thomas Ristenpart.
The Spyware Used in Intimate Partner Violence.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland 2018). pdf.
Diana Freed, Jackeline Palmer, Diana Minchala, Karen Levy, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
"A Stalker's Paradise": How Intimate Partner Abusers Exploit Technology.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018). (Acceptance Rate: 25%). pdf.
Best Paper Award
Aditya Vashistha, Fabian Okeke, Richard Anderson, and Nicola Dell.
"You Can Always Do Better!" The Impact of Social Proof on Participant Response Bias.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018). (Acceptance Rate: 25%). pdf.
Sharifa Sultana, Francois Guimbretiere, Phoebe Sengers, and Nicola Dell.
Design Within a Patriarchal Society: Opportunities and Challenges in Designing for Rural Women in Bangladesh.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018). (Acceptance Rate: 25%). pdf.
Best Paper Award
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Md. Romael Haque, Jay Chen, and Nicola Dell.
Digital Privacy Challenges with Shared Mobile Phone Use in Bangladesh.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: Volume 1 Issue CSCW, November 2017. Article No. 17. pdf.
Diana Freed, Jackeline Palmer, Diana Minchala, Karen Levy, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
Digital Technologies and Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Analysis with Multiple Stakeholders.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: Volume 1 Issue CSCW, November 2017. Article No. 46. pdf.
Paper Recognition for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Shion Guha, Md. Rashidujjaman Rifat, Md. Foysal Hossain, Nicola Dell.
Privacy Vulnerabilities in the Practices of Repairing Broken Digital Artifacts in Bangladesh.
Journal on Information Technologies and International Development (ITID). Volume 13. pages 186-199. pdf.
"Best of ICTD" Paper
Brian DeRenzi, Nicola Dell, Jeremy Wacksman, Scott Lee, Neal Lesh.
Supporting Community Health Workers in India through Voice- and Web-Based Feedback.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017). (Acceptance Rate: 25%). pdf.
Honorable Mention Award
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Romael Haque, Shion Guha, Rifat Rashidujjaman, Nicola Dell.
Privacy and Surveillance in the Global South: A Study of Biometric Mobile Registration in Bangladesh.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017). (Acceptance Rate: 25%). pdf.
Longqi Yang, Cheng-Kang Hsieh, Hongjian Yang, JP Pollak, Nicola Dell, Serge Belongie, Curtis Cole, Deborah Estrin.
Yum-me: A Personalized Nutrient-based Meal Recommender System.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 36, No. 1. 2017. pdf.
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Shion Guha, Md. Rashidujjaman Rifat, Md. Foysal Hossain, Nicola Dell.
Privacy in Repair: An Analysis of the Privacy Challenges Surrounding Broken Digital Artifacts in Bangladesh.
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2016). (Acceptance Rate: 28%). pdf.
Brian DeRenzi, Jeremy Wacksman, Nicola Dell, Scott Lee, Neal Lesh, Gaetano Borriello, Andrew Ellner.
Closing the Feedback Loop: A 12-month Evaluation of ASTA, a Self-Tracking Application for ASHAs.
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2016). (Acceptance Rate: 28%). pdf.
Nicola Dell and Neha Kumar.
The Ins and Outs of HCI for Development.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016). (Acceptance rate: 23%). pdf.
Honorable Mention Award
Neha Kumar, Waylon Brunette, Nicola Dell, Trevor Perrier, Beth Kolko, Gaetano Borriello, Richard Anderson.
Understanding Sociotechnical Implications of Mobile Health Deployments in India, Kenya, and Zimbabwe.
Journal on Information Technologies and International Development (ITID). 11(4), 17-32. 2015. pdf.
Aditya Vashistha, Ed Cutrell, Nicola Dell, and Richard Anderson.
Social Media Platforms for Low-Income Blind People in India.
ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2015). (Acceptance rate: 23%). pdf.
Best Student Paper Award
Trevor Perrier, Nicola Dell, Brian DeRenzi, Richard Anderson, John Kinuthia, Jennifer Unger, Grace John-Stewart.
Engaging Pregnant Women in Kenya with a Hybrid Computer-Human SMS Communication System.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015). (Acceptance rate: 23%). pdf.
Nicola Dell, Trevor Perrier, Neha Kumar, Mitchell Lee, Rachel Powers, Gaetano Borriello.
Paper-Digital Workflows in Global Development Organizations.
ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2015). (Acceptance Rate: 28%). pdf.
Nicola Dell, Krittika D'Silva, and Gaetano Borriello.
Mobile Touch-Free Interaction for Global Health.
International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2015). (Acceptance Rate: 28%). pdf.
Nicola Dell, Ian Francis, Haynes Sheppard, Raiva Simbi, Gaetano Borriello.
Field Evaluation of a Camera-Based Mobile Health System in Low-Resource Settings.
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2014). (Acceptance Rate: 21%). pdf.
Nicola Dell.
A Mobile Point-of-Care Diagnostic System for Low-Resource Settings.
CHI 2014 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA 2014). pdf.
Winner CHI '14 Student Research Competition
Nicola Dell, Jessica Crawford, Nathan Breit, Timoteo Chaluco, Aida Coelho, Joseph McCord, Gaetano Borriello.
Integrating ODK Scan into the Community Health Worker Supply Chain in Mozambique.
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2013). (Acceptance Rate: 25%). pdf.
Nicola Dell, Nathan Breit, Jacob Wobbrock and Gaetano Borriello.
Improving form-based data entry with image snippets.
Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI 2013). Canadian Information Processing Society. (Acceptance Rate: 38%). pdf.
Waylon Brunette, Mitch Sundt, Nicola Dell, Rohit Chaudhri, Nathan Breit, Gaetano Borriello.
Open Data Kit 2.0: Expanding and Refining Information Services for Developing Regions.
International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2013). (Acceptance Rate: 31%). pdf.
Nicola Dell and Gaetano Borriello.
Mobile Tools for Point-of-Care Diagnostics in the Developing World.
ACM Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV 2013). (Oral Presentation Acceptance Rate: 21%). pdf.
Nicola Dell, Vidya Vaidyanathan, Indrani Medhi, Edward Cutrell and William Thies.
"Yours is Better!" Participant Response Bias in HCI.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012). (Acceptance Rate: 23%). pdf.
Nicola Dell, Nathan Breit, Timoteo Chaluco, Jessica Crawford and Gaetano Borriello.
Digitizing Paper-Based Vaccine Data via Mobile Imaging Technologies.
ACM Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV 2012). (Acceptance Rate: 39%). pdf.
Nicola Dell, Sugandhan Venkatachalam, Dean Stevens, Paul Yager and Gaetano Borriello.
Towards a Point-of-Care Diagnostic System: Automated Analysis of Immunoassay Test Data on a Cell Phone.
ACM Workshop on Networked Systems for Developing Regions (NSDR 2011). (Acceptance Rate: 52%). pdf.